Meet us! Trent and Alyssa. Despite our supposed Genetic pre-disposition to Alzheimers, Cancer, Thyroid Disease, and other Auto-Immune Dysfunctions we choose to gain control back over our lives through how we fuel our bodies. Join in on this episode to learn what the catalyst was for us to really truly kick off our wellness journey, what it really means for us and how healthy we really are.
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The Haws Family
Show notes:
Meet us! Trent and Alyssa. Despite our supposed Genetic pre-disposition to Alzheimers, Cancer, Thyroid Disease, and other Auto-Immune Dysfunctions we choose to gain control back over our lives through how we fuel our bodies. Join in on this episode to learn what the catalyst was for us to really truly kick off our wellness journey, what it really means for us and how healthy we really are. We chat stomach bugs, parasites, colon cleanses (yup, hello), coffee enemas, natural alternatives, paleo and keto diets, vegan and plant-based diets and what we think about them all. We discuss what part Essential Oils and other alternative medicines have played a roll in our life and even discuss gearing up for my first all Natural Birth. It's just a quick intro into us that will gear you up for the episodes to come!
Show Notes Like this are where you will be able to find links to things we mention in the blog, a review of what we discussed! If you're looking for a way to connect and reach out to us please follow and interact with us on Instagram! @hawsbeeshoney